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Privacy policy

How We collect, use and disclose personal information

Leedwell Property is in the business of acting for individuals and corporations in transactions broadly involving the management, sale, lease and development of commercial, industrial and retail property.

In the course of doing business We collect personally identifiable information that allows Us to carry out Our due diligence by checking the legitimacy of ownership, viability of tenant, and to prepare sale, leasing, project and management proposals that form the basis of legal documentation. This may require disclosure to various individuals and entities including, but not limited to, solicitors, accountants, other professional advisors, owners of properties, in whole or in part of your personal information.

We may also need to collect personal information from you in order to provide you with information that you request from time to time through email, Our website ( or by post.

Leedwell is a member of a national network called "Industrial Commercial Partners" which has members in other states of Australia.

Where Our clients or their properties are referred to Our member partners, We may have reason to disclose personal information to them.

From time-to-time We may use personal contact information that you have given to Us to advise you of property opportunities. If you do not wish Us to use your personal information for this purpose, you are entitled to request that We remove you from Our mailing list. This can be done by directly contacting any person at Leedwell Property by telephone, mail or electronic mail (see Our contact details below).

Other than in the above circumstances, we do not disclose personal information to sources outside Leedwell Property without an authorisation in writing from you.

The kinds of personal information We collect and hold

Without limitation, the kinds of personal information We collect and hold may include your name, address, Australian Company and Business Numbers, telephone numbers, electronic mail addresses and website addresses. We collect this information for the purpose of communicating with you and completing legal documentation related to property agency and transactions.

Leedwell Property operates trust accounts (in compliance with the relevant legislative requirements) for the receipt, holding and distribution of funds on behalf of owners, clients, tenants and other property stakeholders. In the course of operation, We also collect and hold financial information and banking details about Our clients that allow Us to prepare financial reports about their property holdings, receive deposits on property sales and leasing agreements, receive rental and outgoings remittances from tenants and distribute funds to owners, conveyancers and other legal and financial representatives of parties involved in property transactions.

If We are required by Our clients to conduct a credit or reference check about you with third parties, We will make this fact known to you before or at the time of the credit check or if this is not possible, then as soon as practicable afterward.

How We collect and hold personal information

Personally identifiable information will be collected from you or about you only with your permission which may be given verbally by you. The APPs allow you to be anonymous or use a pseudonym when communicating with Us, however if We are required to prepare documentation for a property appointment, agency sales or leasing transaction We will need to collect your personal information. If We are unable to collect personal information relating to you, We may be unable to provide the services you require (or that an entity related to you requires) or continue Our relationship with you (or any entity related to you).

We take such steps as are reasonable in the circumstances to protect your personal information from: misuse, interference, loss, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.

We sometimes hold personal information in hard copy on a file created specifically for the transaction to which it relates, but more often personal information will be held electronically on computers, tablets and mobile phones of Our employees, which are the property of Leedwell Property.

Files are secured in Our offices when not under constant supervision during office hours. Archived files are stored in secured locations and only accessed by Us or by confidential records management providers until destruction.

Electronic information from Our computer network is stored on Our servers which are secured on site as well as off-site (including storage within the cloud server system). Back-up copies of server information is stored off-site at a secure location. Software used to manage Our services is sometimes accessed by external providers who are appointed by Us to maintain and update this software. The providers for this purpose are engaged subject to confidentiality clauses. Electronic mail is received by computer and replicated to Leedwell Property owned mobile telephones and tablets. Mobile electronic devices are secured with up-to-date software to avoid intrusion by third parties. Mobile devices are retrieved from staff leaving Our employ and are either cleared of data prior to disposal or are destroyed.

We have policies and procedures in place that require management and staff to maintain confidentiality protocols in relation to personal information collected.

How you can access personal information that We hold and seek correction if needed

If you wish to access the personal information that We hold about you, then you may contact Us using the contact details set out below to request to see a copy of this information. When you request copies of your personal information held by Us, We will endeavour to provide you with such personal information as soon as reasonably practicable. If any personal information is found by you to be incorrect, We will correct it immediately upon being informed of the error and advise you that the correction has been made.

If providing you with access to personal information would unreasonably impact on the privacy of others, prejudice negotiation processes with you, or We are not required to give you access to your personal information in accordance with any of the other 'exceptions to access' permitted by clause 12.3 of the APPs, We may deny you access to your personal information.

Likelihood that We would disclose personal information to overseas recipients

Leedwell Property is a business based in South Australia and the majority of its clients are also local or Australian based. Our Industrial Commercial Partners network are also locally based in other Australian cities.

It is highly unlikely that We or Our Industrial Commercial Partners network would need to disclose personal information to overseas recipients, however if an opportunity arises to transact with individuals or corporations based overseas, this may become necessary. We will only disclose personal information overseas with your consent.

Opting in or out

At the point We collect information from you, you may be asked to "opt in" to consent to Us using or disclosing your personal information other than in accordance with this policy or any applicable law. For example, you may be asked to opt-in to receive further information or communications from Our advertisers and supporters.

You will generally be given the opportunity to "opt out" from receiving communications from Us or from third parties that send communications to You, in accordance with this policy. For example, you will be given the option to unsubscribe to e-newsletters sent by Us.

If you receive communications purporting to be connected with Us or Our services that you believe have been sent to you other than in accordance with this policy, or in breach of any law, please write to Us at the address set out below.

How to make a complaint about a breach of your privacy rights

If you are of the view that We have breached the APPs, the Privacy Act, or any related privacy code in dealing with your personal information, you may make a complaint by writing to Us using the contact details set out below and We will endeavour to provide you with confirmation as to how We propose to deal with the complaint as soon as reasonably practicable.

If you are not satisfied with Our response to your complaint, you may make a complaint to the Privacy Commissioner.

Variation of policy

We may, from time to time, vary the terms of this privacy policy to take account of new laws and technology, changes to Our functions and activities and to make sure it remains appropriate.

This policy was last updated on 16 February 2016.

Direct marketing communications

From time to time We may use your personal information to provide you with marketing materials in relation to offers, specials, products and services that We have available. If You would not like to receive direct marketing materials from Us, you may notify Us using the contact details set out below.


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Contact details

Please direct all complaints and queries in relation to your privacy to:
Leedwell Property Pty Ltd ACN 137 238 067
Attention: Privacy Officer
136 Greenhill Road, Unley, SA, 5061
Telephone: +61 8 8212 8880
Email address: